
This element is used to display and manage the electrodes used for the data acquisition.


Figure 92 Electrodes Panel

As for other previously exposed menu items their visibility and Transparency can be selected. In addition, there are other dedicated tools, which are described below.


It is possible to choose the colour of the electrodes, by default it is red. When clicking on the Colour button, the colour panel will open, and is possible to choose another colour (Figure 93).


Figure 93 Electrode colour setting

Alternatively, in those cases where additional cables are loaded in the same project, it is possible to associate one specific colour to each cable, to easily recognize them. To do this, click on the View Palette button (Figure 94).


Figure 94 Electrodes palette setting

Each colour of the palette belongs to one cable (Figure 94). In Figure 94 shows the default palette. It is possible to customize it by changing the number of bars and their colours. In the following example, the third bar is deleted and a yellow one is added as the last colour of the sequence. With the Delete Selected button, the clicked bar is deleted (3 in Figure 95) and with the Grow button a bar is added to the end of the sequence. By clicking on a bar the colour can be chosen (yellow in Figure 95).


Figure 95 Changing colour to electrodes palette

In the following example shows the colour selections changed (Figure 96).


Figure 96 New palette colours

If the number of cables are bigger that the number of palette bars, the cycle of colours starts again (in fact in the examples the first and the last cable are of the same colour, pink).

Show Marker

If this checkbox is selected, the electrodes positioned in the scene are visible, otherwise they are present in the dataset but they are not visible in the 3D scene (Figure 97).


Figure 97 Sub-node electrodes; in A the electrodes are visible, in B not

Show Line

If this checkbox is selected, a line that connects the electrodes is visible, otherwise it is not, as it is shown in Figure 98.


Figure 98 Detail of electrodes with (at right, B) and without (at left, A) the line between electrodes

Show Label

If this checkbox is selected, the labels of the electrodes are visible, otherwise they are not. Click in the drop-down box (Figure 99) to choose between 3 types of labels:


Figure 99 Labels menu

  • Group-ID: this label contains the name associated with each electrode during the creation of the project, and it is composed of the “Group” (PD in the following example) and the identification number “ID” (from 1 to 96 in the following example) of each electrode (Figure 100);

  • ID only: this label contains just the identification number associated with each electrode during the creation of the project (Figure 100);

  • Absolute numbering: this label contains the numeration of electrodes; it may coincide with the ID, as in the example in (Figure 100).


Figure 100 Example of different kind of electrodes labels


By default, the option “Auto” is checked, meaning that the dimension of the electrodes is automatically determined. It is possible to change it by unchecking the Auto checkbox and using the dedicated tools. Use the slider or manually insert the size number (in green in Figure 101, 0.5 by default) between a minimum and maximum value in meters (0 and 30 in this case, in the red circles in Figure 101). Within this interval, it is possible to set a relative minimum and maximum value (in orange in Figure 101), by writing the corresponding numbers in the dedicated boxes. This way the extreme values of the slider change from 0-30 to the new selected values.


Figure 101 Tool for electrodes size setting

For example, if the minimum size should be 5 and the maximum 15, writing those numbers in the first two dedicated boxes (in orange in Figure 102) the slider will have a value of size 5 when it is totally on the left, 15 when it is totally on the right, and an intermediate value along the sliding bar (Figure 103).


Figure 102 Example of variation of extreme values of the sliding bar, from 0-30 to 5-15

As an example the electrodes are represented in two different sizes in Figure 103.


Figure 103 Sub-node electrodes, example of two electrodes sizes, 0.5 in A and 1 in B

Show remote pole

If the data acquisition uses a remote pole it can be visualized through this checkbox. For a better representation of the scene use the auto centre button. It is advisable to not visualize the remote pole, because it is far from the other electrodes and including it into the scene the investigated area may appear too small.