Centre Camera To This


Figure 371 Tool “Centre camera” in the electrodes node

When more than one item is loaded (graphic objects, images, electrodes, topography …) it is possible that the camera remains focused on one of these items and the others are outside the scene. With this tool it is possible to centre the camera to the desired object. In the following example a cube is in the scene. With the Auto Centre button (see Auto Centre section) the camera zooms automatically to include all the object in the scene. If one or more objects are far from the others it is possible that one or more items appears too small to be visualized. In fact, in the example the cube is too far from the acquisition area to make the electrodes visible (Figure 372). With this tool it is possible to focus on what is in that moment more important to see.


Figure 372 With “Auto Centre” button the cube and the investigated area are included in the scene, but both of them are too small to be appreciate

Through Centre Camera to This it is possible to centre the camera to the electrodes (Figure 373).


Figure 373 Centre camera to the Electrodes

In the same way, it is possible to centre the camera on the cube, clicking with the right mouse button in the proper node (Figure 374).


Figure 374 Centre Camera to the cube